We're m.a.s

We're m.a.s

M.a.s Strategy

Since its beginnings, Moderna Alimentos has maintained a deep-rooted commitment to creating value not only for its shareholders, but also for society, incorporating community practices, ethical business conduct, and the comprehensive care of our personnel.

As actors in a dynamic business environment and our challenging self-criticism, in 2023 we adopted a more holistic approach to sustainability. We focus on identifying and managing the risks and impacts in our organization; in the same way that we execute programs that contribute positively to the environment and our key stakeholders.

This is how our m.a.s (Sustainable Moderna Alimentos) strategy emerges, focused on strengthening our relationships with customers, employees, communities and ensuring a comprehensive approach to our stakeholder groups.


In 2023, we executed our fourth materiality study, which allowed us to identify the most relevant and significant sustainability topics that affect our business, society, and the environment, which allows us to make more informed decisions and develop effective strategies to be agents of change and influence in the environment.

We detail our material topics:

Food Innocuity

The company’s ability to prevent or mitigate the contamination of the foods it produces and foodborne diseases that could affect the health and safety of its consumers.

Food Safety

The company’s ability to contribute to the fight against hunger and malnutrition through measures to prevent food waste, food aid programs, and the promotion of a healthy diet.

Occupational Health and Safety

The company’s ability to prevent and minimize the physical and psychosocial risks that could endanger the safety or health of its workers.

Economic inclusion

The company’s ability to redistribute part of the economic value generated towards local communities, promoting their access to employment or other economic opportunities, for example, through the purchase of goods and services from small local suppliers.

Carbon Footprint Management

The company’s ability to reduce, mitigate or offset the generation of greenhouse gas emissions (and other related emissions) in its various operations and processes, with the aim of contributing to the global fight against climate change.

Environmen-tal Best Practices

The company’s ability to prevent, reduce, mitigate or offset the environmental impacts of its various operations and processes, through responsible environmental management and respect for the natural environment.

ESG Evaluation of the Supply Chain

 The company’s ability to prevent or mitigate the economic, environmental, social and corporate governance impacts of its suppliers, through control, monitoring and/or collaboration processes.

Community Best Practices

The company’s ability to prevent and minimize the impacts that its activities could generate in its immediate environment, in terms of environmental, socioeconomic, cultural, health and human rights conditions of local communities.

Integrity Business Practices

The company’s ability, in general terms within the context in which it operates, to address the incidence of corruption, unfair competition or malpractice in public policy intervention.

Responsible Labor Practices

The company’s ability to prevent the fundamental principles and rights of its workers from being violated, due to abusive or unethical labor practices.