A Story of Pride and Tradition

We are an Ecuadorian food company that has contributed to the country’s development since 1909.

In 2008, we consolidated as Moderna Alimentos by merging Molino Electromoderno (Cajabamba), Panificadora Moderna (Quito), and Molinos del Ecuador (Guayaquil). By 2018, we had positioned ourselves as leaders in Ecuador’s milling industry.

Responding to market challenges and global trends, with a sustainable and high-quality focus, we produce and market wheat-based products and their derivatives to meet the needs of our customers and consumers.


To be the most innovative and sustainable food company in Ecuador.


To be part of families’ moments of nourishment and well-being.


We take responsibility, without excuses, to achieve our goals.


We lead by example in all our actions. We strive for consistency between what we think, say, and do.


The enthusiasm and commitment with which we work are evident.


We perform with discipline, focus, and quality to exceed all standards.



Electromoderno’s mill foundation in Cajabamba


Panificadora Moderna Foundation


Molinos del Ecuador foundation in Guayaquil


Seaboard and Contigroup acquire Molinos del Ecuador


Moderna starts producing packed bread


Moderna starts producing packed bread


Three companies from the milling sector start to mesh

Molino Electromoderno. Moderna. Molinos del Ecuador.


Strategical acquisition from Molinos La Unión for a new segment expansion: Pasta.


New Mision and Vision as a Whole Food Company


Important expansion in manufacturing abilities for bread production and milling.

We are a company committed to families' moments of nourishment and well-being, a leader in the milling industry, with a successful track record of over 110 years.

Corporate Governance

We have a clear, structured, and transparent corporate governance system, with the authority and motivation to make ethical and responsible decisions addressing the economic, social, and environmental concerns and expectations of the company’s internal and external stakeholders. This enhances levels of perception and trust.

Its primary focus is to ensure the company’s sustainability, identify and manage operational risks, and plan, control, and improve processes to achieve projected goals.

Our shareholder structure comprises both national and foreign capital, which strengthens our solvency and expertise. 

Seaboard Corporation

CGC Continental
Grain Company

Recognitions and Awards

First company in the milling industry to have three production plants certified as Eco-efficient Companies by the Ministry of Environment, Water, and Ecological Transition of Ecuador (2021, 2022, 2023)

CERES – Ecuador
(2021 - 2022 - 2023)

3 Best Practices in SDGs Awards by Global Compact – Ecuador
Cultiva Program (2017)
Emprende Program (2020)
Ñukata Kuyay Community Center (2023)


Brand of the Year
WOW Logo (2001 – Ekos)
Top of Mind (2021 – Kantar)

Superior Taste Award

Superior Taste Award

Superior Taste Award

Three Stars (2015)
Pan Moderna Gourmet Five Grains

One star (2022)

One star (2023)

Two stars (2015)
Pan Moderna Gourmet Wheat bran and honey
Pan Moderna Gourmet apple and macadamia
Pan Moderna Gourmet berry and nuts

One star (2023)

Two stars (2019)
Panettone Pacari – Moderna

Moderna Corporate Video

We are a company committed to the feeding moments of families, leaders in the milling industry, with a successful track record of over 110 years.

Noble Foods

Foods that respect their essence, roots, and flavor.


For Moderna Alimentos S.A. and its subsidiary companies, it is important to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the data we manage.

For this reason, we provide you with the following Privacy Policy, through which we inform, in accordance with the Organic Law on Personal Data Protection (LOPDP), the regulations and other applicable norms in Ecuador, for the treatment and use of this information.

What is personal data?

Personal data will be considered anything that identifies or makes a natural person identifiable:

  1. Identification and address of the controller
  2. Purposes of the treatment and type of personal information we collect
  3. The legal basis for the processing of personal data
  4. How long we keep the information
  5. How the information is stored
  6. Rights of the data subjects and means through which you can communicate with us to exercise your rights
  7. With whom we share such information
  8. Modifications to the Privacy Policy

Moderna Alimentos will be responsible for the processing of personal data that may be stored in its own systems.

Moderna Alimentos will collect, store, and process personal data in accordance with the LOPD, ensuring that the necessary technical, legal, organizational, and administrative measures have been applied to protect it.

What type of personal data does Moderna Alimentos collect?

According to the business activities of our company, we will process personal data for the following purposes:

Prospects and/or customers

  • Contact prospects.
  • Contact customers.
  • Update prospect or customer data.
  • Send and communicate information through digital media.
  • Inform about products or services that may be of interest to the prospect or customer, in accordance with their interests or the products or services contracted.
  • Comply with legal obligations.
  • Communicate personal data to their subsidiary companies and shareholders.
  • Consult credit information entities


  • Manage the selection and qualification of suppliers.
  • Enter into contracts.
  • Manage the commercial relationship.


  • Execute the administrative process of recruitment and/or selection of new employees.
  • Manage employee social benefits.
  • Induction and training management.
  • Performance evaluation and work environment.
  • Occupational health and safety.
  • Comply with legal and contractual obligations arising from the employment relationship.
What are the legitimacy bases for the processing of personal data?

The legitimacy bases for the processing of the information obtained by Moderna Alimentos are:

  1. Express consent, voluntarily provided by the personal data subject in accordance with the Law;
  2. Legal mandate, based on the regulations that govern Moderna Alimentos' business, or any legal norm that requires the respective treatment;
  3.  Compliance with contractual obligations contracted with the customer, supplier, or worker;
  4. Legitimate interest of the data subject, the controller, or a third party.
What is the retention period for personal data?

We keep your data for the strictly necessary time to fulfill the corresponding purpose, as well as for the period that the legal system obliges us, in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable to Moderna Alimentos. 

Where is the personal information stored?

Depending on the purpose for which the data have been collected, they will be kept in any of the databases or data banks of Moderna Alimentos, which have the physical, administrative, technological, legal, and organizational measures required by law.

Does Moderna Alimentos transfer personal data to national and international entities?

Moderna Alimentos shares personal data with certain data processors, who act as providers, and who have been previously verified regarding the handling of personal data that comes to their knowledge.

Therefore, companies may legitimately transfer within the country or beyond its borders to data processors, providers, customers, shareholders.

Additionally, Moderna Alimentos may communicate the personal data of the data subject or interested party to control bodies that require it in accordance with applicable regulations.

For more information on the Privacy Policy and the exercise of the Organic Law on Personal Data Protection, please review the following link:
Privacy Policy or write to privacidad@moderna.com.ec